Coherent open infrastructures for free and conscious human beings


A new era has begun !

We come to you with optimism and unity to wish you the best success as makers, builders, believers... well, conscious human beings ;) We would like to thank all of you for your contributions, work, thinking, creativity that you already gave to humanity and for those everyday’s actions you make according to the values you see in your communities. Thank you for building a part of our tomorrow society infrastructures !

Like many of you, we thought a lot this year about scaling and communities, and in this new environment where social contracts are being redefined, we found it was a good time to put that into practice and connect.

We want to introduce to you the Renaissance Circle, get your feedback and even jump on a call if you feel up to diving into the polymath universe with us for some time.

The Renaissance Circle purpose is to create coherent, open infrastructures for free and conscious human beings.

As you already made the connection, the renaissance of the 15th -16th century was about separation of state and church, the renaissance of today is about the separation of state and money.

Along the re-definition of our social contracts, the era we entered in will create immense changes in the way our society infrastructures is operating. When state does not control money anymore, who and how things are going to run?

For these open society infrastructures to reach as many free and conscious human beings we created a framework that we call the Renaissance Circle and that exists to complement roles skills and resources across a shared layer extension of divers communities. Complementing Renaissance domains and cultures such as Art, Science, Governance, Human-Nature, Ecology, Value Echange etc. /

We designed a structure proposal that you can find here.

The idea is that this and future structures function on a 1 year basis. In this timeframe they are played with and near their expiration date a new proposal for structure will be put forward.

For these and the other proposals for organisation we invite you to check out the full presentation.

We look forward to have these conversations with you, since in one way or another you are already taking part of the Renaissance movement ;)